MT5 Indicator Program Explanation and Function
The TimeBarCloseCheck MT5 Indicator is designed to detect the bar close time and the close price in the MetaTrader 5 trading platform. This program assists traders by providing accurate timing and pricing information, which is essential for making informed trading decisions.
1. Bar Close Time Detection:
The indicator precisely identifies when a trading bar (or candlestick) closes. This is crucial for traders who rely on closing prices to determine market trends and make trading decisions.
2. Price Close Detection:
It captures the exact price at which the bar closes. This data is vital for analyzing market conditions and planning future trades.
3. Alerts and Notifications:
The program can be configured to send alerts or notifications when a bar closes, allowing traders to stay updated without constantly monitoring the charts.
4. Customizable Settings:
Users can customize the indicator settings according to their trading strategy and preferences, making it a versatile tool for different trading styles.
1. Accuracy: Provides precise timing and pricing information to enhance trading strategies.
2. Convenience: Automated alerts save time and help traders stay focused on their trading goals.
3. Customization: Adaptable to various trading strategies, ensuring it meets individual needs.
Let's go through the code section provided and explain each part:
//| TimeBarCloseCheck.mq5 |
//| Copyright 2024, Roberto Jacobs (3rjfx) ~ Date: 2024-11-26 |
//| |
#property copyright "Copyright 2024, Roberto Jacobs (3rjfx) ~ Date: 2024-11-26"
#property link ""
#property version "1.00"
#property indicator_chart_window
Code Explanation:
Metadata Section:
This section contains metadata about the indicator, including the name, author, version, and copyright information.
#property copyright specifies the copyright details.
#property link provides a link to the author's profile or website.
#property version indicates the version of the indicator.
#property indicator_chart_window tells MT5 that this indicator will be applied to the chart window.
#property indicator_plots 0
#property indicator_plots = 0, indicates that this indicator does not have any graphical plots.
//-- Enumeration
enum YN
Enumeration YN:
An enumeration defining Yes and No options. Useful for input parameters that need a binary choice.
enum corner
Enumeration corner:
This enumeration is used to define possible positions (left or right) for text display on the chart.
enum fonts
Enumeration fonts:
An enumeration listing the font options available for text display on the chart.
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES Timeframe = PERIOD_H1; // Select Expert TimeFrame, default PERIOD_H1
input corner cor = LeftHand; // Corner Position Text
//--- Input parameters for alerts
input YN alerts = Yes; // Display Alerts Pop-up on Chart (Yes) or (No)
input YN UseEmailAlert = No; // Email Alert (Yes) or (No)
input YN UseSendnotify = No; // Send Notification (Yes) or (No)
//--- Input text parameters
input fonts f_model = Verdana; // Select Font Model
input color t_color = clrGold; // Select Text Color
Input Parameters:
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES Timeframe = PERIOD_H1; - Allows the user to select the timeframe for the indicator, default is 1 hour (H1).
The input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES Timeframe, Allowing users to select the timeframe (with the default being H1) for the TimeBarCloseCheck indicator provides significant flexibility. Even if a user is analyzing a Symbol chart on a different timeframe, such as D1, setting the indicator to H1 ensures it continues to provide information and alerts based on the H1 timeframe.
This functionality is highly advantageous for traders who prefer to monitor multiple timeframes simultaneously. For instance, a trader could keep an eye on long-term trends on a D1 chart while still receiving timely alerts and information pertinent to the H1 timeframe without switching their primary chart’s timeframe. This approach provides a comprehensive view of the market, facilitating more informed trading decisions.
input corner cor = LeftHand; - Allows the user to select the position of the text on the chart.
Alert input parameters to enable or disable different types of alerts:
- input YN alerts = Yes; - Shows a pop-up alert on the chart.
- input YN UseEmailAlert = No; - Enables or disables email alerts.
- input YN UseSendnotify = No; - Enables or disables notifications.
Text input parameters to customize the appearance:
- input fonts f_model = Verdana; - Selects the font model for the text.
- input color t_color = clrGold; - Selects the color of the text.
- double CLOSE[];
- datetime TIME[];
- datetime TFOpenTime=0;
- datetime TFClosTime=0;
- datetime TFNextTime=0;
- datetime TFprevTime=0;
- datetime TFTimeRem=0;
- datetime remd=0;
- datetime tmrem=0;
- datetime tmrem=0;
- double tmdrem=0;
- string txtday;
- string font_mode;
Various global variables to store close prices (CLOSE[]), time values (TIME[], TFOpenTime, etc.), and text settings (txtday, font_mode).
Time Variables:
Variables to store different components of the time (year, month, day, hour, minute, second).
- int x_year; // Year
- int x_mon; // Month
- int x_day; // Day of the month
- int x_hour; // Hour in a day
- int x_min; // Minutes
- int x_sec; // Seconds
Time Constants:
Constants used for indexing time components and day information.
- int year=0; // Year
- int mon=1; // Month
- int day=2; // Day
- int hour=3; // Hour
- int min=4; // Minutes
- int sec=5; // Seconds
- int dow=6; // Day of week (0-Sunday, 1-Monday, ... ,6-Saturday)
- int doy=7; // Day number of the year (January 1st is assigned the number value of zero)
Miscellaneous Variables:
Various other global variables for specific functionalities like extime, exday, f_size, cbar, scale, garis, and alert-related variables (doalert, AlertTxt).
- int extime=0;
- int exday=0;
- int f_size=9;
- int cbar=9;
- int scale=15;
- int garis=12;
- int xdis=0,ydis=90;
- bool doalert;
- string AlertTxt;
- string _pname;
- string indiname;
//| Custom indicator initialization function |
int OnInit()
//--- indicator buffers mapping
indiname=_pname+" : "+TF2Str(Timeframe);
This function primarily sets up the necessary parameters for the indicator to function properly, including determining the position of text elements on the chart and setting the font style.
1. Function Purpose:
The OnInit function is the initialization function for the custom indicator. It sets up various parameters and prepares the indicator to run.
- _pname=MQLInfoString(MQL_PROGRAM_NAME);
- indiname=_pname+" : "+TF2Str(Timeframe);
_pname stores the name of the MQL program.
indiname combines the program name and the selected timeframe into a single string for display or logging purpose
2. Setting the Text Position:
This conditional (ternary) operator checks if the cor variable is set to RightHand.
If cor is RightHand, PilCor is set to CORNER_RIGHT_UPPER; otherwise, it is set to CORNER_LEFT_UPPER.
xdis is set based on the value of PilCor: 288 if CORNER_RIGHT_UPPER, otherwise 30.
Font Mode: font_mode=FontsModel(f_model);
Return Value: return(INIT_SUCCEEDED);
The function returns INIT_SUCCEEDED, indicating that the initialization was successful.
string FontsModel(int mode)
string str_font;
case 0: str_font="Verdana"; break;
case 1: str_font="Bodoni MT Black"; break;
} //-end FontsModel()
This function helps convert the integer mode to a string representing the font name, which can then be used elsewhere in the indicator for setting text properties.
Let's break down the FontsModel function:
Function Name and Parameters: string FontsModel(int mode)
The function FontsModel takes an integer parameter mode.
String Variable Declaration: string str_font;
A string variable str_font is declared to hold the name of the font.
Switch Statement: The switch statement evaluates the value of mode to determine which font to select.
Case Statements:
- case 0: str_font="Verdana"; break;
- case 1: str_font="Bodoni MT Black"; break;
If mode is 0, str_font is set to "Verdana".
If mode is 1, str_font is set to "Bodoni MT Black".
Default Case: The default case is not explicitly provided here, meaning if mode is neither 0 nor 1, str_font will remain uninitialized.
Return Statement: return(str_font);
The function returns the value of str_font.
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
PrintFormat("%s: Deinitialization reason code=%d",__FUNCTION__,reason);
Let's dive into the OnDeinit function and break down each part.
1. Function Purpose: The OnDeinit function is called when the custom indicator is being removed or unloaded from the chart. It handles cleanup tasks and ensures that resources are properly released.
Function Definition: void OnDeinit(const int reason)
The function takes an integer parameter reason which indicates the reason for deinitialization. The void keyword means this function does not return any value.
Clearing Comments: Comment("");
This line clears any comments displayed on the chart.
Printing Deinitialization Reason:
PrintFormat("%s: Deinitialization reason code=%d", __FUNCTION__, reason);
PrintFormat outputs a formatted string to the log, showing the function name (__FUNCTION__) and the deinitialization reason code.
Print outputs the text returned by getUninitReasonText(reason), which provides a more descriptive reason for deinitialization.
Deleting Objects: ObjectsDeleteAll(ChartID(), 0, -1);
This line deletes all objects from the chart. ChartID() gets the current chart's ID, and the 0 and -1 parameters indicate that all objects on all subwindows of the chart should be deleted.
Returning: return;
The function ends with a return statement, which is redundant for a void function but included for clarity.
This function ensures that when the indicator is removed, all related objects and comments are cleared from the chart, and relevant information about the deinitialization reason is logged for debugging or informational purposes.
string getUninitReasonText(int reasonCode)
string text="";
text="The EA has stopped working calling by remove function."; break;
text="Program "+__FILE__+" was removed from chart"; break;
text="Program recompiled."; break;
text="Symbol or timeframe was changed"; break;
text="Chart was closed"; break;
text="Input-parameter was changed"; break;
text="Account was changed"; break;
text="New template was applied to chart"; break;
text="The OnInit() handler returned a non-zero value."; break;
text="Terminal closed."; break;
default: text="Another reason"; break;
return text;
} //-end getUninitReasonText()
Let's explain the getUninitReasonText function and how it works:
1. Function Purpose: The getUninitReasonText function converts a deinitialization reason code into a human-readable string explanation. It helps in understanding why the indicator was deinitialized.
2. Function Definition: string getUninitReasonText(int reasonCode)
String Initialization: string text="";
Initializes an empty string text to store the explanation.
Switch Statement: switch(reasonCode)
The switch statement evaluates the reasonCode and sets the text variable accordingly.
Case Statements:
Each case in the switch statement corresponds to a specific reason code:
- case REASON_PROGRAM: text="The EA has stopped working calling by remove function."; break;
- case REASON_REMOVE: text="Program "+__FILE__+" was removed from chart"; break;
- case REASON_RECOMPILE: text="Program recompiled."; break;
- case REASON_CHARTCHANGE: text="Symbol or timeframe was changed"; break;
- case REASON_CHARTCLOSE: text="Chart was closed"; break;
- case REASON_PARAMETERS: text="Input-parameter was changed"; break;
- case REASON_ACCOUNT: text="Account was changed"; break;
- case REASON_TEMPLATE: text="New template was applied to chart"; break;
- case REASON_INITFAILED: text="The OnInit() handler returned a non-zero value."; break;
- case REASON_CLOSE: text="Terminal closed."; break;
- default: text="Another reason"; break;
For each possible reasonCode, the corresponding text explanation is assigned to text. The __FILE__ macro is used to include the filename in the explanation for the REASON_REMOVE case.
Default Case: default: text="Another reason"; break;
If reasonCode does not match any of the specified cases, the default text "Another reason" is assigned.
Return Statement: return text;
The function returns the text variable containing the explanation.
This function is useful for logging and debugging, providing clear reasons why the indicator was deinitialized, which can help in diagnosing issues or understanding the behavior of the indicator.
//| Custom indicator iteration function |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
const int prev_calculated,
const datetime &time[],
const double &open[],
const double &high[],
const double &low[],
const double &close[],
const long &tick_volume[],
const long &volume[],
const int &spread[])
datetime dtB=0;
if(TFClosTime!=TFprevTime) doalert=false;
string SDT=ReqDate(TimeCurrent(),ReqTime(TimeCurrent(),day),ReqTime(TimeCurrent(),hour),ReqTime(TimeCurrent(),min),ReqTime(TimeCurrent(),sec));
if(exday<=0) exday=0;
txtday=exday==0 ? (string)ReqTime(TFTimeRem,hour)+":"+(string)ReqTime(TFTimeRem,min)+":"+(string)ReqTime(TFTimeRem,sec) :
(string)exday+" Day ~ "+(string)ReqTime(TFTimeRem,hour)+":"+(string)ReqTime(TFTimeRem,min)+":"+(string)ReqTime(TFTimeRem,sec);
CreateChartText(0,indiname+"SDT0","Server Date Time : "+SDT,font_mode,f_size,t_color,PilCor,xdis,ydis);
CreateChartText(0,indiname+"SDT1",_pname+" : Period "+TF2Str(Timeframe),font_mode,f_size,t_color,PilCor,xdis,ydis+garis+(1*scale));
CreateChartText(0,indiname+"SDT2","Bar Open Time : "+
CreateChartText(0,indiname+"SDT3","Bar Close Time : "+
CreateChartText(0,indiname+"SDT4","Next Bar Open Time : "+
CreateChartText(0,indiname+"SDT5","Time Remaining : "+txtday,font_mode,f_size,t_color,PilCor,xdis,ydis+garis+(5*scale));
if(TimeCurrent()>=TFClosTime && TimeCurrent()<=TFNextTime && !doalert)
AlertTxt="Bar Close time triggered in Timeframe : "+TF2Str(Timeframe)+" @Price: "+DoubleToString(CLOSE[0],Digits());
//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call
Let's break down the OnCalculate function of MT5 indicator. This function is called on every tick to update the indicator's values and perform calculations. Here's a detailed explanation:
Function Definition and Parameters:
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
const int prev_calculated,
const datetime &time[],
const double &open[],
const double &high[],
const double &low[],
const double &close[],
const long &tick_volume[],
const long &volume[],
const int &spread[])
1. Function Purpose: This function is responsible for calculating and updating the indicator's values on each new tick.
2. Parameters:
- rates_total: - The total number of bars.
- prev_calculated: - The number of bars calculated on the previous call.
- time, open, high, low, close, tick_volume, volume, spread - Arrays containing the bar data for the symbol.
3. Code Breakdown:
- ArrayResize(TIME, cbar);
- ArrayResize(CLOSE, cbar);
- ArraySetAsSeries(TIME, true);
- ArraySetAsSeries(CLOSE, true);
- ArraySetAsSeries(time, true);
- ArraySetAsSeries(close, true);
Array Setup: Resizes and sets arrays to series to access data from the current bar to the oldest.
Fuction Call:
Refresh Price Data: Calls a custom function to refresh price data for the specified timeframe.
- TFOpenTime = TIME[0];
- CheckSeconds();
Initialize Variables: Sets the opening time of the current bar and calls a custom function to check seconds.
- TFNextTime = TFOpenTime + extime;
- TFClosTime = TFNextTime - 1;
- TFTimeRem = fabs(TimeCurrent() - TFClosTime);
- tmrem = TFClosTime - TimeCurrent();
- datetime dtB = 0;
- if (TFClosTime != TFprevTime) doalert = false;
- string SDT = ReqDate(TimeCurrent(), ReqTime(TimeCurrent(), day), ReqTime(TimeCurrent(), hour), ReqTime(TimeCurrent(), min), ReqTime(TimeCurrent(), sec));
Calculate Times: Calculates the next bar's opening and closing times, the remaining time until the bar closes, and other time-related variables.
if(exday<=0) exday=0;
txtday=exday==0 ? (string)ReqTime(TFTimeRem,hour)+":"+(string)ReqTime(TFTimeRem,min)+":"+(string)ReqTime(TFTimeRem,sec) :
(string)exday+" Day ~ "+(string)ReqTime(TFTimeRem,hour)+":"+(string)ReqTime(TFTimeRem,min)+":"+ (string)ReqTime(TFTimeRem,sec);
Calculate Remaining Time: Determines the remaining time until the current bar closes and formats it for display.
CreateChartText Function Calls:
- CreateChartText(0, indiname + "SDT0", "Server Date Time : " + SDT, font_mode, f_size, t_color, PilCor, xdis, ydis);
- CreateChartText(0, indiname + "SDT11", "------------------------------------------------------", font_mode, f_size, t_color, PilCor, xdis, ydis + garis);
- CreateChartText(0, indiname + "SDT1", _pname + " : Period " + TF2Str(Timeframe), font_mode, f_size, t_color, PilCor, xdis, ydis + garis + (1 * scale));
- CreateChartText(0, indiname + "SDT2", "Bar Open Time : " + TimeToString(TFOpenTime, TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS), font_mode, f_size, t_color, PilCor, xdis, ydis + garis + (2 * scale));
- CreateChartText(0, indiname + "SDT3", "Bar Close Time : " + TimeToString(TFClosTime, TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS), font_mode, f_size, t_color, PilCor, xdis, ydis + garis + (3 * scale));
- CreateChartText(0, indiname + "SDT4", "Next Bar Open Time : " + TimeToString(TFNextTime, TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS), font_mode, f_size, t_color, PilCor, xdis, ydis + garis + (4 * scale));
- CreateChartText(0, indiname + "SDT5", "Time Remaining : " + txtday, font_mode, f_size, t_color, PilCor, xdis, ydis + garis + (5 * scale));
Display Information:
Uses custom CreateChartText function to display various pieces of information on the chart, such as server date/time, bar open/close times, and time remaining.
if (alerts == Yes || UseEmailAlert == Yes || UseSendnotify == Yes)
if (TimeCurrent() >= TFClosTime && TimeCurrent() <= TFNextTime && !doalert)
dtB = TimeCurrent();
AlertTxt = "Bar Close time triggered in Timeframe : " + TF2Str(Timeframe) + " @Price: " + DoubleToString(CLOSE[0], Digits());
Do_Alerts(AlertTxt, dtB);
TFprevTime = TFClosTime;
doalert = true;
Trigger Alerts: Checks if current time is within the bar's closing period and triggers alerts if necessary.
Return Value: return(rates_total);
Return Statement: Returns the total number of rates (bars) calculated, which is used for the next call to OnCalculate.
This function ensures that the indicator updates accurately with each new tick, displaying relevant information on the chart and triggering alerts as needed.
CheckSeconds Function:
Let's explain the CheckSeconds function:
1. Purpose: The CheckSeconds function determines the number of seconds in a specific timeframe and assigns it to the extime variable. This helps to calculate the duration of each bar in the selected timeframe.
2. Code Breakdown:
int CheckSeconds(void)
case PERIOD_M1: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_M1); break;
case PERIOD_M2: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_M2); break;
case PERIOD_M3: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_M3); break;
case PERIOD_M4: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_M4); break;
case PERIOD_M5: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_M5); break;
case PERIOD_M6: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_M6); break;
case PERIOD_M10: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_M10); break;
case PERIOD_M12: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_M12); break;
case PERIOD_M15: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_M15); break;
case PERIOD_M20: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_M20); break;
case PERIOD_M30: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_M30); break;
case PERIOD_H1: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_H1); break;
case PERIOD_H2: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_H2); break;
case PERIOD_H3: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_H3); break;
case PERIOD_H4: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_H4); break;
case PERIOD_H6: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_H6); break;
case PERIOD_H8: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_H8); break;
case PERIOD_H12: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_H12); break;
case PERIOD_D1: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_D1); break;
case PERIOD_W1: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_W1); break;
case PERIOD_MN1: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_MN1); break;
3. Explanation:
1. Function Signature: int CheckSeconds(void)
This function returns an integer value representing the number of seconds in the current timeframe.
2. Switch Statement: switch(Timeframe)
The switch statement evaluates the Timeframe variable to determine which timeframe is being used.
Case Statements:
- case PERIOD_M1: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_M1); break;
- case PERIOD_M2: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_M2); break;
- case PERIOD_M3: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_M3); break;
- case PERIOD_M4: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_M4); break;
- case PERIOD_M5: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_M5); break;
- case PERIOD_M6: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_M6); break;
- case PERIOD_M10: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_M10); break;
- case PERIOD_M12: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_M12); break;
- case PERIOD_M15: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_M15); break;
- case PERIOD_M20: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_M20); break;
- case PERIOD_M30: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_M30); break;
- case PERIOD_H1: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_H1); break;
- case PERIOD_H2: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_H2); break;
- case PERIOD_H3: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_H3); break;
- case PERIOD_H4: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_H4); break;
- case PERIOD_H6: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_H6); break;
- case PERIOD_H8: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_H8); break;
- case PERIOD_H12: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_H12); break;
- case PERIOD_D1: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_D1); break;
- case PERIOD_W1: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_W1); break;
- case PERIOD_MN1: extime=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_MN1); break;
For each timeframe (e.g., PERIOD_M1, PERIOD_H1, etc.), the corresponding number of seconds is calculated using the PeriodSeconds function and assigned to the extime variable.
Return Statement: return(extime);
The function returns the value of extime, which represents the duration of each bar in seconds for the selected timeframe.
This function is crucial for ensuring that the indicator can accurately calculate the time remaining until the current bar closes, regardless of the timeframe selected.
RefreshPrice Function.
1. Purpose:
The RefreshPrice function updates the price data arrays for a specified timeframe. This helps ensure that the indicator has the latest data for its calculations.
2. Code Breakdown:
void RefreshPrice(ENUM_TIMEFRAMES xtf)
MqlRates parray[];
ArraySetAsSeries(parray, true);
int copied = CopyRates(Symbol(), xtf, 0, cbar, parray);
int cc = CopyClose(Symbol(), xtf, 0, cbar, CLOSE);
int ct = CopyTime(Symbol(), xtf, 0, cbar, TIME);
} //-end RefreshPrice()
3. Explanation:
1. Function Signature: void RefreshPrice(ENUM_TIMEFRAMES xtf)
The function takes a single parameter xtf of type ENUM_TIMEFRAMES, which specifies the timeframe to update.
2. Declare and Initialize MqlRates Array:
- MqlRates parray[];
- ArraySetAsSeries(parray, true);
Declares an array parray of type MqlRates to store the price data.
ArraySetAsSeries(parray, true) sets the array to be accessed as a series (with the latest data at index 0).
3. Copy Rates Data: int copied = CopyRates(Symbol(), xtf, 0, cbar, parray);
Uses CopyRates to copy the rates (OHLC and others data) for the specified symbol and timeframe into the parray array.
- Symbol() returns the current symbol.
- xtf is the timeframe.
- 0 is the starting position.
- cbar is the number of bars to copy.
- parray is the destination array.
The function returns the number of copied rates and stores it in copied.
Copy Close Prices: int cc = CopyClose(Symbol(), xtf, 0, cbar, CLOSE);
Uses CopyClose to copy the close prices for the specified symbol and timeframe into the CLOSE array.
The function returns the number of copied close prices and stores it in cc.
Copy Time Data: int ct = CopyTime(Symbol(), xtf, 0, cbar, TIME);
Uses CopyTime to copy the time data for the specified symbol and timeframe into the TIME array.
The function returns the number of copied time values and stores it in ct.
Return Statement: return;
The function returns void, indicating it does not return any value. The return statement is used to exit the function.
This function is crucial for ensuring that the indicator always has the most up-to-date price data, which is essential for accurate calculations and display.
timehr Function
1. Purpose: The timehr function formats the given hour and minute values into a string representation of time in the "HH:MM" format.
2. Code Breakdown:
string timehr(int hr,int mn)
string scon="";
string men=mn==0 ? "00" : string(mn);
int shr=hr==24 ? 0 : hr;
if(shr<10) scon="0"+string(shr)+":"+men;
else scon=string(shr)+":"+men;
} //-end timehr()
3. Explanation:
1. Function Signature: The function takes two integer parameters: hr for hours and mn for minutes. It returns a string representing the formatted time.
2. Variable Initialization:
- string scon = "";
- string men = mn == 0 ? "00" : string(mn);
- int shr = hr == 24 ? 0 : hr;
scon is initialized as an empty string.
men is set to "00" if mn is 0; otherwise, it is set to the string representation of mn.
shr is set to 0 if hr is 24 (to represent midnight as "00:00"); otherwise, it is set to hr.
3. Conditional Formatting:
if (shr < 10) scon = "0" + string(shr) + ":" + men;
else scon = string(shr) + ":" + men;
If shr is less than 10, scon is formatted with a leading zero (e.g., "09:00").
If shr is 10 or greater, scon is formatted without a leading zero (e.g., "10:00").
4. Return Statement: The function returns the formatted string scon, which represents the time in "HH:MM" format.
This function is useful for ensuring that time values are consistently formatted, which is particularly important for displaying times in a readable and standardized manner on charts or logs.
ReqDate Function.
1. Purpose: The ReqDate function formats a given datetime value into a custom string representation that includes the date and time.
2. Code Breakdown:
string ReqDate(datetime reqtime,int d,int h,int m,int s)
MqlDateTime mdt;
datetime t=TimeToStruct(reqtime,mdt);
string mdr=string(x_year)+"."+string(x_mon)+"."+string(x_day)+" ~ "+timehr(x_hour,x_min)+":"+string(x_sec);
} //-end ReqDate()
3. Explanation:
1. Function Signature: string ReqDate(datetime reqtime, int d, int h, int m, int s)
The function takes five parameters:
- reqtime: The datetime value to be converted.
- d: Day component to be used.
- h: Hour component to be used.
- m: Minute component to be used.
- s: Second component to be used.
It returns a string representing the formatted date and time.
2. Variable Initialization:
- MqlDateTime mdt;
- datetime t = TimeToStruct(reqtime, mdt);
Declares an MqlDateTime structure mdt to hold the components of the datetime.
Converts reqtime into a structured datetime format using TimeToStruct and stores it in mdt.
3. Assign Date and Time Components:
- x_year = mdt.year;
- x_mon = mdt.mon;
- x_day = d;
- x_hour = h;
- x_min = m;
- x_sec = s;
Assigns the year and month from mdt to global variables x_year and x_mon.
Assigns the day, hour, minute, and second from the parameters d, h, m, and s to global variables x_day, x_hour, x_min, and x_sec.
4. Format String:
string mdr = string(x_year) + "." + string(x_mon) + "." + string(x_day) + " ~ " + timehr(x_hour, x_min) + ":" + string(x_sec);
Formats the date and time into a string mdr in the format "YYYY.MM.DD ~ HH:MM:SS".
Uses the timehr function to format the hour and minute components.
5. Return Statement: return(mdr);
The function returns the formatted string mdr.
This function is useful for generating a custom string representation of a datetime value, which can be displayed on the chart or used in logs.
ReqTime Function.
1. Purpose: The ReqTime function extracts a specific component of a given datetime value and returns it based on the requested mode.
2. Code Breakdown:
int ReqTime(datetime reqtime,
const int reqmode)
MqlDateTime tm;
int valtm=0;
case 0: valtm=tm.year; break; // Return Year
case 1: valtm=tm.mon; break; // Return Month
case 2:; break; // Return Day
case 3: valtm=tm.hour; break; // Return Hour
case 4: valtm=tm.min; break; // Return Minutes
case 5: valtm=tm.sec; break; // Return Seconds
case 6: valtm=tm.day_of_week; break; // Return Day of week (0-Sunday, 1-Monday, ... ,6-Saturday)
case 7: valtm=tm.day_of_year; break; // Return Day number of the year (January 1st is assigned the number value of zero)
} //-end ReqTime()
3. Explanation:
1. Function Signature: int ReqTime(datetime reqtime, const int reqmode)
The function takes two parameters:
- reqtime: The datetime value from which to extract the component.
- reqmode: An integer indicating which component of the datetime to return.
The function returns an integer value representing the requested component of the datetime.
2. Convert datetime to MqlDateTime:
- MqlDateTime tm;
- TimeToStruct(reqtime, tm);
Declares a MqlDateTime structure tm.
Converts the reqtime datetime value into the structured tm format using TimeToStruct.
3. Initialize Return Variable: int valtm = 0;
Initializes an integer variable valtm to store the value of the requested datetime component.
4. Switch Statement:
case 0: valtm = tm.year; break; // Return Year
case 1: valtm = tm.mon; break; // Return Month
case 2: valtm =; break; // Return Day
case 3: valtm = tm.hour; break; // Return Hour
case 4: valtm = tm.min; break; // Return Minutes
case 5: valtm = tm.sec; break; // Return Seconds
case 6: valtm = tm.day_of_week; break; // Return Day of week (0-Sunday, 1-Monday, ... ,6-Saturday)
case 7: valtm = tm.day_of_year; break; // Return Day number of the year (January 1st is assigned the number value of zero)
The switch statement evaluates reqmode to determine which component of the datetime to return.
Each case in the switch statement corresponds to a specific component of the datetime structure:
- 0 returns the year.
- 1 returns the month.
- 2 returns the day.
- 3 returns the hour.
- 4 returns the minutes.
- 5 returns the seconds.
- 6 returns the day of the week.
- 7 returns the day number of the year.
5. Return Statement: return(valtm);
The function returns the value of valtm, which contains the requested component of the datetime.
This ReqTime function is useful for extracting specific components of a datetime value, allowing for flexible handling of date and time data.
TF2Str Function.
1.Purpose: The TF2Str function converts a given period code (representing a timeframe) into a string representation.
2. Code Breakdown:
string TF2Str(int period)
case PERIOD_M1: return("M1");
case PERIOD_M2: return("M2");
case PERIOD_M3: return("M3");
case PERIOD_M4: return("M4");
case PERIOD_M5: return("M5");
case PERIOD_M6: return("M6");
case PERIOD_M10: return("M10");
case PERIOD_M12: return("M12");
case PERIOD_M15: return("M15");
case PERIOD_M20: return("M20");
case PERIOD_M30: return("M30");
case PERIOD_H1: return("H1");
case PERIOD_H2: return("H2");
case PERIOD_H3: return("H3");
case PERIOD_H4: return("H4");
case PERIOD_H6: return("H6");
case PERIOD_H8: return("H8");
case PERIOD_H12: return("H12");
case PERIOD_D1: return("D1");
case PERIOD_W1: return("W1");
case PERIOD_MN1: return("MN1");
3. Explanation:
1. Function Signature: string TF2Str(int period)
The function takes a single integer parameter period and returns a string representation of the timeframe.
2. Switch Statement: switch(period)
The switch statement evaluates the period variable to determine which timeframe it represents.
Case Statements:
- case PERIOD_M1: return("M1");
- case PERIOD_M2: return("M2");
- case PERIOD_M3: return("M3");
- case PERIOD_M4: return("M4");
- case PERIOD_M5: return("M5");
- case PERIOD_M6: return("M6");
- case PERIOD_M10: return("M10");
- case PERIOD_M12: return("M12");
- case PERIOD_M15: return("M15");
- case PERIOD_M20: return("M20");
- case PERIOD_M30: return("M30");
- case PERIOD_H1: return("H1");
- case PERIOD_H2: return("H2");
- case PERIOD_H3: return("H3");
- case PERIOD_H4: return("H4");
- case PERIOD_H6: return("H6");
- case PERIOD_H8: return("H8");
- case PERIOD_H12: return("H12");
- case PERIOD_D1: return("D1");
- case PERIOD_W1: return("W1");
- case PERIOD_MN1: return("MN1");
Each case corresponds to a specific period constant (e.g., PERIOD_M1, PERIOD_H1, etc.) and returns the corresponding string representation (e.g., "M1", "H1").
Default Case: return(string(period));
If the period does not match any of the specified cases, the function converts the period integer to a string and returns it.
This TF2Str function is useful for converting timeframe constants into readable string representations, which can be displayed on the chart or used in logs.
Do_Alerts Function.
1. Purpose: The Do_Alerts function generates and sends alerts in various formats (print message, alert box, email, and notification) based on the user settings.
2. Code Breakdown:
void Do_Alerts(string msgText, datetime Altime)
// Print message in the terminal
Print(_pname + " --- " + Symbol() + ": " + msgText +
"\n --- at: ", TimeToString(Altime, TIME_DATE | TIME_MINUTES | TIME_SECONDS));
if(alerts == Yes)
Alert(_pname, " --- " + Symbol() + ": " + msgText +
" --- at: ", TimeToString(Altime, TIME_DATE | TIME_MINUTES | TIME_SECONDS));
if(UseEmailAlert == Yes)
SendMail(_pname, " --- " + Symbol() + " " + TF2Str(Period()) + ": " + msgText +
"\n--- at: " + TimeToString(Altime, TIME_DATE | TIME_MINUTES | TIME_SECONDS));
if(UseSendnotify == Yes)
SendNotification(_pname + "--- " + Symbol() + " " + TF2Str(Period()) + ": " + msgText +
"\n --- at: " + TimeToString(Altime, TIME_DATE | TIME_MINUTES | TIME_SECONDS));
} //-end Do_Alerts()
3. Explanation:
1. Function Signature: void Do_Alerts(string msgText, datetime Altime)
The function takes two parameters:
- msgText: A string containing the alert message text.
- Altime: A datetime value indicating the alert time.
2. Print Alert in Terminal:
- Print(_pname + " --- " + Symbol() + ": " + msgText + "\n --- at: ", TimeToString(Altime, TIME_DATE | TIME_MINUTES | TIME_SECONDS));
Prints the alert message to the terminal, including the program name (_pname), symbol, message text, and formatted alert time.
Alert Box:
if(alerts == Yes)
Alert(_pname, " --- " + Symbol() + ": " + msgText +
" --- at: ", TimeToString(Altime, TIME_DATE | TIME_MINUTES | TIME_SECONDS));
If the alerts setting is enabled (Yes), displays an alert box with the program name, symbol, message text, and formatted alert time.
Email Alert:
if(UseEmailAlert == Yes)
SendMail(_pname, " --- " + Symbol() + " " + TF2Str(Period()) + ": " + msgText +
"\n--- at: " + TimeToString(Altime, TIME_DATE | TIME_MINUTES | TIME_SECONDS));
If the UseEmailAlert setting is enabled (Yes), sends an email with the program name, symbol, timeframe, message text, and formatted alert time.
Notification Alert:
if(UseSendnotify == Yes)
SendNotification(_pname + "--- " + Symbol() + " " + TF2Str(Period()) + ": " + msgText +
"\n --- at: " + TimeToString(Altime, TIME_DATE | TIME_MINUTES | TIME_SECONDS));
If the UseSendnotify setting is enabled (Yes), sends a notification with the program name, symbol, timeframe, message text, and formatted alert time.
3. Return Statement: return;
The function returns void, indicating it does not return any value. The return statement is used to exit the function.
This Do_Alerts function provides a comprehensive alerting mechanism, ensuring that users are notified in multiple ways based on their preferences.
CreateChartText Function.
Let's break down the CreateChartText function and explain its components in detail:
1. Purpose: The CreateChartText function creates and manages a text label on the chart with specific properties, including text content, font style, size, color, and position.
2. Code Breakdown:
void CreateChartText(long chart_id,
string lable_name,
string label_text,
string font_model,
int font_size,
color label_color,
int chart_corner,
int x_cor,
int y_cor)
{Print("Failed to create the object OBJ_LABEL ",lable_name,", Error code = ", GetLastError());}
3. Explanation:
1. Function Signature:
void CreateChartText(long chart_id,
string lable_name,
string label_text,
string font_model,
int font_size,
color label_color,
int chart_corner,
int x_cor,
int y_cor)
The function takes several parameters:
- chart_id: The ID of the chart where the label will be created.
- lable_name: The name of the label object.
- label_text: The text content of the label.
- font_model: The font style for the label text.
- font_size: The font size for the label text.
- label_color: The color of the label text.
- chart_corner: The corner of the chart where the label will be positioned.
- x_cor: The horizontal distance from the specified corner.
- y_cor: The vertical distance from the specified corner.
2. Check if Label Exists:
if(ObjectFind(chart_id, lable_name) < 0)
Checks if the label object already exists on the chart.
If it does not exist (< 0), it proceeds to create a new label.
3. Create New Label:
if(ObjectCreate(chart_id, lable_name, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
Attempts to create a new label object with the specified parameters.
If the creation is successful, it sets various properties for the label:
- ObjectSetString(chart_id, lable_name, OBJPROP_TEXT, label_text);
- ObjectSetString(chart_id, lable_name, OBJPROP_FONT, font_model);
- ObjectSetInteger(chart_id, lable_name, OBJPROP_FONTSIZE, font_size);
- ObjectSetInteger(chart_id, lable_name, OBJPROP_COLOR, label_color);
- ObjectSetInteger(chart_id, lable_name, OBJPROP_CORNER, chart_corner);
- ObjectSetInteger(chart_id, lable_name, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x_cor);
- ObjectSetInteger(chart_id, lable_name, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y_cor);
4. Error Handling:
Print("Failed to create the object OBJ_LABEL ", lable_name, ", Error code = ", GetLastError());
If the label creation fails, it prints an error message with the error code.
5. Update Existing Label:
ObjectSetString(chart_id, lable_name, OBJPROP_TEXT, label_text);
ObjectSetString(chart_id, lable_name, OBJPROP_FONT, font_model);
ObjectSetInteger(chart_id, lable_name, OBJPROP_FONTSIZE, font_size);
ObjectSetInteger(chart_id, lable_name, OBJPROP_COLOR, label_color);
ObjectSetInteger(chart_id, lable_name, OBJPROP_CORNER, chart_corner);
ObjectSetInteger(chart_id, lable_name, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x_cor);
ObjectSetInteger(chart_id, lable_name, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y_cor);
If the label already exists, it updates the properties of the existing label with the new values.
This CreateChartText function allows you to dynamically create and manage text labels on the chart, ensuring that the labels are created if they do not exist or updated if they already exist.
TimeBarCloseCheck Indicator Alerts.
Overview: The TimeBarCloseCheck indicator is designed to assist traders by providing real-time alerts when a bar (or candlestick) closes on the MetaTrader 5 platform. This feature is crucial for traders who rely on precise timing to make informed trading decisions.
Key Features:
Immediate Notifications: The indicator generates instant alerts as soon as a bar closes. This ensures that traders are always aware of the exact moment a bar closes, allowing them to respond swiftly to market changes.
Multiple Alert Options: Traders can choose from various alert types, including pop-up alerts, email notifications, and push notifications to their mobile devices. This flexibility ensures that traders never miss an important alert, regardless of where they are.
Customizable Settings: The alert settings are highly customizable, enabling traders to set up alerts according to their specific trading strategies and preferences. Whether it's adjusting the timeframe or selecting the type of alert, traders have full control.
Enhanced Decision Making: By providing timely and accurate alerts, the TimeBarCloseCheck indicator helps traders make better decisions. Knowing the precise time and price at which a bar closes can significantly improve the timing of trade entries and exits.
User-Friendly Interface: The alerts are displayed in an easy-to-read format, complete with the symbol, timeframe, and closing price. This ensures that traders can quickly understand the alert without any confusion.
Despite the robust features, traders should be aware of the potential delays caused by varying internet speeds and broker server delays. These factors can impact the timing accuracy of alert.
1. Internet Speed:Different traders have varying internet speeds, which can affect how quickly they receive alerts. Slower internet speeds may result in a slight delay in receiving the alert.
2. Broker Server Delay: The delay from the broker’s server when sending data to MT5 can also impact alert timing. If an alert is supposed to trigger one second before the new bar opens, and there is a server delay, the alert might not trigger at the exact time. Instead, it might trigger slightly late, or in some cases, it may miss the timing entirely because the new bar has already opened by the time the delay is resolved.
Example Alert:
Alert: TimeBarCloseCheck --- GBPJPY: Bar Close time triggered in Timeframe: M1 @Price: 192.311 --- at: 2024.11.26 20:09:59
In this example, the alert informs the trader that the GBPJPY bar on the M1 timeframe has closed at a price of 192.311. The exact time of the bar close is also provided, allowing the trader to take immediate action if necessary.
The TimeBarCloseCheck indicator is an essential tool for traders who value precision and timely information. By leveraging its powerful alert features and being mindful of potential delays due to internet speed and broker server latency, traders can stay ahead of the market and make more informed trading decisions.
That's all for the article How to detect Bar Close Time in MT5 and MT4 programs, hopefully it's useful.
Thank you for reading.
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